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The Olympic Torch Relay in Heraklion took place on 18/4/24 from Knossos to the center of the city, before continuing its journey to Crete with a final destination in Paris, venue of the XXXXII Olympic Games Paris 2024.

On this occasion, the teacher of 6th grade, Mrs Irini Birlaki, prepared with her students a banner welcoming the flame as part of the Safer European Project, which they presented in the Morozini Square.

Also, students from the 6th grade prepared, with the Physical Education gymnasts, Ms. Farsari Stella and Pouli Eugenia, an amazing dance to welcome the flame at the Meidani square in Heraklion centre.

In the same context, the 5th and 6th grade French classes, with the help of Ms. Melina Koukoura, exhibited works by our students depicting the journey of the Olympic flame in Greece and then to France, where after crossing 64 cities will arrive in Paris on July 26, 2024. There, the last torchbearer will light the "altar" where it will burn throughout the "Paris 2024" Olympic Games.

With the hope that the Olympic Flame will carry the message of peace and unity everywhere ALLONS-Y PARIS 2024